ganoderma Articles

DXN Ganoderma Coffee Capsules in Europe

DXN Ganoderma Coffee Capsules in Europe

We are glad to announce the new DXN Ganoderma Coffee Capsules in Europe. DXN Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1 EU and DXN Lingzhi Black Coffee are from now on available in capsules. Q: What kind of coffee machine can it be prepared with? A: The...

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DXN Vinaigrette rice vinegar with Ganoderma

DXN Vinaigrette rice vinegar with Ganoderma

DXN Vinaigrette is a special rice vinegar with Ganoderma lucidum. It is fermented for years using traditional techniques to preserve its distinctive flavour and quality. It is suitable for salads or you may take it with water: 2 - 4 times per day (5ml DXN...

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Where to buy reishi mushroom?

Where to buy reishi mushroom?

Would you like to buy reishi mushroom in excellent quality and at good price? Reishi Mushroom (Japanese) also known as Ganoderma Lucidum (Latin), Lingzhi (Chinese)  is a type of Mushroom that has been used for thousands of years in Asia, for its beneficial effects on...

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