DXN Holdings Bhd is now in Brazil!

DXN opened a new office in São Paulo in April 2024.
This is a significant milestone in their global expansion.

Their strategic entry into Brazil aims to leverage the strong brand presence and success DXN has achieved in other Latin American countries, including Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, and more.

We have seen DXN’s success all over the globe
– how DXN products help to solve malnutrition, and health challenges,
and the business opportunities help many people and families to live a higher standard of living.
It’s empowering them to reach levels of success they never thought possible.
DXN isn’t just a company; it’s a movement!

DXN could be a good solution for many people who live in Brazil too.

Would you like to get to know the company background?
You can find info here: https://dxnganodermacoffee.us/dxn

Datuk Lim Siow Jin, the Charmain and Founder of DXN expressed his optimism:

“Our strategic entry into Brazil is aimed at leveraging the strong brand presence and success DXN has achieved in other Latin American countries, including Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, and more.

DXN’s ‘One World, One Market’ marketing strategy allows its global members to conduct and grow their businesses in any country where DXN operates without geographical constraints.”

You can read the whole article here: https://www.nst.com.my/business/corporate/2024/02/1009960/lim-dxn-expanding-brazil-capitalise-its-growth-potential 

Here you can find another article about this on Direct Selling News: https://www.directsellingnews.com/2024/02/09/dxn-expands-into-brazil/


We are looking for DXN Brazil team members who would happily be among the first
to spread the word about DXN and its products in Brazil.
They are willing to take on the starting difficulties and challenges
for the later benefits of building up DXN on the Brazilian market.

Directional Roadshows in Brazil – Eventos Direcionais no Brasil

Directional DXN Roadshows in Brazil
Eventos Direcionais no Brasil

DXN Brasil office contact details:

    Rua Doutor Eraldo Aurélio Franzese,
    No. 62, Sala 08, Jardim Paiquerê
    Valinhos – São Paulo CEP: 13271608
  • CNPJ: 24.104.344/0001-09
  • Tel : + 55 (11) 911995856
  • E-mail: contato@dxn2u.com
  • Contact person: Mr. Ravi Kumar

Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/people/DXN-Brasil-Fans/61558370213142/

How can you order DXN products?

Online 2 products are available in April 2024 and only in Sao Paulo.
(We will update here as soon as more is available.)

To make a purchase, please send the following
documentation to the email dxnbrasilcajamar@dxn2u.com

1. Purchase Order (any quantity of products/purchase amount)
2. Proof of Payment (bank deposit/electronic transfer) made to the DXN bank account
(Santander) is indicated at the end of the Purchase Order.
Don’t forget to add the R$ 40.00
shipping charge.


  • Your order will be processed within no more than 48 hours.
  • You will receive your order in 3 or 4
    business days at the address
    registered in your membership
  • **Please refer to updated prices.
  • The documentation you send must be
    complete (we will not receive
    documents in several emails), scanned
    legibly and in a single email:
Join DXN

How can you join DXN, even from Brazil?

You can join with a simple online registration at this link: https://eworld.dxn2u.com/index.php?r=account/register&mc=310007879

Sponsor name: Faragó István
Sponsor code: 310007879

Judit Faragóné Keserű & István Faragó
DXN Executive Crown Diamonds

Would you like to start
your DXN success story now?

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us!

I would like to be a positive example for those who wish to succeed in similar fields of operation. I build my enterprise from heart and with passion, which mostly consists of how I can constantly improve and help others as well towards a better life. I would like to prove that with the right attitude, know-how, strong faith and smart work, we can create a business and life we love.