DXN Italy has a great success story
DXN Italy started in 2013 – in Rome.
DXN Italia La Cerimonia Ufficiale Di Apertura 2013 Roma
DXN Italia ha celebrato il suo 9° anniversario nel 2022.
My story with DXN Italy
When DXN started in Italy, I had a nice teammate, who can speak Italian well. We made an Italian DXN homepage and an Italian Facebook page, and we managed to have over 1000 Italian DXN members, some of them managed to reach the Star Diamond level. It was a great time!
I was also a speaker on the 1st anniversary of DXN Italy.
Unfortunately, time flies, and many of them don’t continue doing DXN business. But I am still here, and active in DXN, and I am ready to be a contribution to somebody, who lives in Italy and can speak English.
The 4. European DXN Leadership Camp was in Italy in 2016.
Would you like to be a part of this success?
Volete partecipare a questo successo?
We have 14 years of experience in DXN business building and we can give you online support.
Just get in touch and see if we can work together well.
Official DXN Italy Pages:
Pagine ufficiali DXN Italia:
- Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dxnitalysrlpaginaufficiale
- Official Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DXNITALY/videos
- Official website: https://www.dxn2u.eu/
You can have the same replicated DXN website, that you can order from your eWorld back office,
and your link will look like this: https://www.dxn2u.eu/pws/yourDXNID
You need to order it first, then it will work.
DXN Italy Office contact details:
Address: Via Genova, 25 – 00184 Roma, Italy
Phone: +39 06 42989362 /+39 373 7239240
Email: dxnitaly@dxnitaly.com / assistenza@dxnitaly.com
Country manager: Mr. Giuseppe Girlando

Why is it worth joining DXN?
You can buy DXN products cheaper, at distributor price, which means about 25% discount.
(You can see the difference in the price lists between retail and distributor price.)
How to become a DXN member worldwide?
Just fill out a simple online registration.
DXN does not make a distinction between the registrations of consumers, returning customers, and business builders.
It’s up to you what would you like to do with it, it’s your decision.
After registration, you can buy your DXN products online from your eWorld webshop or personally from your local DXN office.

- Buy the highest quality Ganoderma products with 20-30% discount – Most effective at affordable prices and/or
- Seizing Global Business Opportunity – low investment with unlimited income

Join DXN: https://eworld.dxn2u.com/index.php?r=account%2Fregister&mc=310007879
DXN Sponsor’s ID: 310007879
DXN Sponsor’s name: Faragó István
DXN Business Opportunity Meeting and DXN Marketing Plan in Italian

Enjoy worldwide bonuses with a single membership
You can have your own webshop without having to pay a programmer or learn how to operate a complicated system because it’s provided by the background company.
They also produce, store, invoice and deliver the products, but the commission on the turnover of the products is credited to you.
You can earn extra income by not only promoting and selling the products this way but also by showing others how they can build a successful business like yours.
We also provide you with the methods and tools to do this.
The icing on the cake is that your business is not limited to the country where you live, but you have the worldwide opportunity to sell the products and educate local business owners.
With the help of the Internet, you can build your business in the whole of Asia, or even in America, Africa, or even in Europe, and the delivery is done by the local offices since there are such service centers already in almost 70 countries.
This means that you can build an international business without even leaving your home or traveling abroad.
And for the turnover that your team generates worldwide, you’ll get your income accurately every month in the country where you live.
We would be happy to find local leaders and work together.
Get in touch or join here.
Dear Rose! Good morning! The Italian office opened in Rome in the last month. They delivery the products to Milan too. In this post you can find more details: http://dxnganodermacoffee.us/dxn/dxn-dubai-promotion-package-for-italian-dxn-members-dxn-italia-opened
Good morning dxn.
Can anyone pls give me address of dxn turkey and sweden.tq
Good morning!
DXN Turkey Service Center is not yet opened. As soon as the DXN Turkey Office open I will inform everybody through my website.
DXN Sweden is also a not yet opened country, but they send DXN products from the Main Office from Slovakia.
Their datas are: DAXEN SLOVAKIA s.r.o. Viktorínova 1, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Tel : +421 2 321 44 299
Mobile: +421 948702983
E-mail: networker@dxn2u.com
Or order DXN products from here: http://dxnganodermacoffee.com/products The order confirmation goes to the Slovakian office.
Wish you all the best!