This summer has passed quickly, but it feels good to look back on the summer experiences, on the DXN summer vibes, when we came together.

June 2021

We celebrated the 11. anniversary of our joining DXN

– on the Lake Balaton with the Hungarian Executive Crown Diamond leader. We had a great time with sailing, stand-up paddle surfing, and having a delicious lunch together.

July 2021

The first European DXN Crown Ambassador also flew to Uzbekistan to celebrate together with the local leaders their huge development.

He is also known as Mr. Morinzhi – so he drank one bottle every day there too.

Celebrate DXN Success together

At the end of July, we invited one of our most successful teammates to our home, they had 2 new diamonds in June,  and we also visited the Crown Ambassador Family – where they drink their daily Morinzhi together.

DXN Summer VibesWe had a great lunch together with one of our other sponsor couples too, and we had a great discussion in our home till night.

We made this photo in our garden. There were amazing DXN summer vibes.


DXN Family Day in Hungary – 15. August 2021.

We enjoy the DXN summer vibes on the Hungarian DXN Family Day. You can watch all the great programs and fun, that we had together.

We want to continue and support the vision and mission of DXN – to help many people live happy and healthy.

If you want to work with us and use our help – you can join us here.

DXN Sponsor Code: 310007879    DXN Sponsor name: Faragó István

Join DXN

I would like to be a positive example for those who wish to succeed in similar fields of operation. I build my enterprise from heart and with passion, which mostly consists of how I can constantly improve and help others as well towards a better life. I would like to prove that with the right attitude, know-how, strong faith and smart work, we can create a business and life we love.