There are some changes, for the newest information, please click here:
DXN UK order and registration
How can you order DXN products from the UK?
You can order DXN products from the UK here:
- Select DXN products – Click on Add basket
- If you want more than one piece – Change the quantity and click on Modify
- When you finished – Click on the top on the right: Order
- To buy the DXN products cheaper on distributor price, you need to have a DXN ID. – How could you get this? Read the next point.
How can you make DXN registration from the UK?
You can choose:
- Join for free through international DXN System, and choose us as your sponsor. Just click here! >>>
– Fill out with your datas.
– You will get your DXN ID in some minutes. You can go back here: Order DXN product as you can read above.
– Check this box: xxxxxxxxxx and write here your new 818xxxxxx DXN ID.
– Fill out with your datas the billing and shipping datas, contact informations and choose the right payment and shipping method for you.
– Click on the Order!
- Join for free through international DXN System, and choose us as your sponsor. Just click here! >>>
- This DXN registration is free!
- With your new DXN ID you can buy products cheaper on distributor price!
- But with this registration you can not get bonus after your and your downlines purchases, because you need to active your DXN ID and you need to buy a membership kit, which is 16,3 GBP in the UK. Please read the next point, if you want to know more about this.
2. If you want to build business and have downlines please follow the steps:
– Fill out this registration form:
– When you make the order here Check this box: I simultaneously send the membership contract with my order, this way i have the right for distributor price.
– The membership fee is 16,3 GBP
– You can join with DSP kits, the registration (the membership basic kit) is free with this, and you can get other special discounts:
If you live in the UK, you will get after your registration DXN Intranet access (username and password.)
You can simple order DXN products from your private webshop here:
DXN UK Office information here >>>
DXN UK presentation in April, 2016 >>>
Now you know how can you make DXN UK order and registration. If you have any more question or need more help. please get in touch with us here!