We are glad to announce the DXN TSI Program 2018 which is distinguished with the mass get together of all achievers from various countries around the world to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of DXN in Malaysia.
This 7 days 6 nights DXN TSI program would also be consisting of a Singapore – Malaysia Cruise Trip.
The target set for European countries to achieve this trip would be 200000 TSI SA Points which will be calculated from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017 (12 months).
Go for it and get yourself be placed in the elite league of DXN Global achievers!
Next to your monthly DXN bonus, you could even receive more extras if you are successful in DXN business.
DXN TSI Program is an annual event organized by the DXN Company and is open to all DXN Distributors
There is a qualyfing period (1st Januray – 31. December), when DXN distributors collect DXN TSI points according to the DXN marketing plan.
In every 5 years, all DXN qualifier meet at the same place. In the other years there are different destinations for each country or region.
In 2018 all DXN qualifiers will meet at the same place in Malaysia, and celebrate together the 25th anniversary of DXN, after this they enjoy together an amazing cruise in Singapore!
DXN TSI Program 2018 for North and South America
If you live outside of Europe or America please get in touch with your DXN office for the TSI points what needed to achieve, and be there for free.
Qualify and be part of this unforgettable experience with the rest of DXN World!
Watch this great video: Singapore in Time-Lapse Flow Motion