The Daily DXN Coffee Videos are a love project for me.

You can watch daily on an independent Facebook Page a video, where a DXN member drinks her/his DXN coffee or sometimes other DXN products.

The Our Daily DXN Coffee Facebook Page:

The start of the Daily DXN Coffee Video Series

Kócsó László gave me the inspiration with his daily Morinzhi videos. But to tell the truth, you can afford to drink a bottle of Morinzhi per day only if you’re a DXN Crown Ambassador, but there is something that most of the DXN members do every day: they drink their ganoderma coffee. So just let share this with eachother! I came up with this idea on New Year’s Eve.

A napi DXN kávénk 1. – Our daily DXN Coffee 1.

👉Az év első napján megtettük az újévi fogadalmunkat.Mit gondolsz be tudjuk tartani?Tarts velünk és megtudod! ;-)☕Akik ma is DXN kávét isznak: Judit és István#OurDailyDXNCoffee #napiDXNkávénk #DXNkávé

Közzétette: Our daily DXN Coffee – A napi DXN kávénk – 2018. január 1., hétfő

We usually speak Hungarian in the videos, but sometimes you can hear just music, and sometimes I put subtitles, so more people can understand it.

In the last more then 240 days a lot of wonderful videos were born.
They were funny, interesting and sometimes touching. It’s so special to feel the togetherness with these too.

This is one of the funniest and most popular: 

A napi DXN kávénk 10. – Our daily DXN Coffee 10.

😔 Néha olyan nehezen indulnak a reggelek.😐 Csak nézünk ki a fejünkből…👉 Ilyenkor kell egy kis varázslat! ✨☕ Akik ma is DXN kávét isznak: Bussy Sándor Szövetes Évi#OurDaliyDXNCoffee #napiDXNkávénk #DXNkávé #GoodMorning #DXNCoffee

Közzétette: Our daily DXN Coffee – A napi DXN kávénk – 2018. január 9., kedd

Sometimes I’m reporting about DXN events with these videos.
Like every day of the 6. European DXN Leadership Camp:

Here is also an interview with Mr. Prajith after the camp:

A napi DXN kávénk 192. – Our daily DXN Coffee 192.

🌅 A 6. Európai DXN Vezetőképző Tábor után még többen maradtak a hotelben. Az esti séta közben sikerült összefutnunk a DXN amerikai régiójáért felelős marketing vezetővel, aki megosztotta velünk az elmúlt pár napon átélt élményeit 💕 és üzent nekünk, európai vezetőknek. ✌📝 A videóhoz magyar felirat is tartozik. Ha nem jön fel automatikusan, akkor vedd le a videó hangját 🔇, akkor biztosan megjelenik.☕ Aki ma is DXN kávét iszik: Prajith Pavithran #OurDaliyDXNCoffee #napiDXNkávénk #DXNkávé #6ELC #DXNEUCamp2018

Közzétette: Our daily DXN Coffee – A napi DXN kávénk – 2018. július 11., szerda

Use videos for your online business

And it is also important to mention that after the personal contacts, in the online world videos are one of the most efficient and most popular tools. Several DXN members have prepared their first videos with this project, so this way we could share great moments with each other.

The rules of the Daily DXN Coffee Videos

  • The videos are under copyright. It’s not allowed to download and upload it again, but you can share it. If you made your coffee video, you can use the ordinary version later (without the daily coffee intro and outro), but the video has to appear first on our Facebook page.
  • Mostly DXN Coffee, but any other of the DXN products must appear in the video.
  • Get inspiration from the daily coffee videos:

Feel free to send me yours, and share a great DXN coffee experience with all of us. You can find here my contact data:   I can send you more guidelines if you want to send us yours.

And do not forget to watch it daily while you’re drinking your daily DXN coffee – follow our Facebook page here:

If you are not yet a DXN member, you can join us here: 

Join DXN

If you fill out the registration form, do not stop there – you should buy and try DXN products and experience your own testimonial, and also get in touch with us in an e-mail, and we can answer your question, and help you along this way.

I would like to be a positive example for those who wish to succeed in similar fields of operation. I build my enterprise from heart and with passion, which mostly consists of how I can constantly improve and help others as well towards a better life. I would like to prove that with the right attitude, know-how, strong faith and smart work, we can create a business and life we love.