Let’s celebrate 20th Anniversary DXN! 1993 – 2013
Several DXN members come together from all over the world to celebrate together this wonderful event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17. November, 2013.
Just check out this video and enjoy the show, how happy was everybody to being part of the huge DXN family and also this great moment, the 20th anniversary DXN.
There were special programmes and all DXN Crown Ambassadors come together:
There were also a very nice and special couple, our European leaders – who are the fastest DXN Crown Ambassador in DXN’s history, they reached it in 5 years. They are great friends of us, and a really good exampler. We are following them on the path of DXN success.
The source of the picture – click for the link
You can watch their presentation on the 20th Anniversary DXN:
Dr. Lim the CEO of DXN: “20 years ago, when we started DXN, we started a dream. So we dreamed to be free – free from disease, free from financial problem… now we are living this dreams…” You can watch the whole message in this video:
You can see on this picture Dr. Lim with his wife and with DXN Crown Ambassadors on the 20th Anniversary DXN:
Happy 20th Anniversary DXN! Say Hello to Freedom!
Next to the celebration DXN leaders had time for some rest at wonderful places, and also had possibility to work as they really love to do it. 🙂 Remember on that: if you love your job, you never need to work again, this could be your lifestyle too.
This is the real DXN lifestyle and DXN online business building:
Source of the photo
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